How to increase potency with natural products

A man consumes products that can increase potency

Food is an essential part of human life. The general condition of the whole organism and its individual organs depends on what a person eats. However, few men know that some products can cause side effects or, conversely, increase their potency. The effects of these products were noticed even before energy pills, supplements, and other chemicals were introduced. In this article we will try to talk in detail about products that give men confidence in bed.

First of all, it is worth noting that potency enhancement products should contain vitamins A, E and B. The first 2 vitamins directly affect potency and B vitamins have a positive effect on the male nervous system. world, improving the stability of impulses. There are quite a few products that help increase erection, however, the main secret to achieving high results is to eat in moderation. You must understand that you cannot immediately use natural aphrodisiacs in large quantities.

How to increase potency with products

First of all, you need to eat foods that contain these groups of vitamins. It mainly consists of vegetable products and nuts. Vegetables, especially onions, also fall into this category. Onions and the food from it are so potent that in ancient times it was banned in temples and monasteries.

Onions and potential

The magic property of onions lies in its ability to balance hormones. It is used to prepare many dishes or separately. A particularly effective means of increasing potency is scrambled eggs with onions, the recipe of which we will present below.

The positive effects of this product are astounding. The ingredients of this dish themselves are intended to improve potency, and by mixing them together you get a very strong effect. Here is a very simple recipe for this natural aphrodisiac: finely chop 2 onions, add a pinch of salt and a few tablespoons of water. The resulting mixture is fried in vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Then fill them all with eggs, in the amount of 2 pieces. Salt to taste and fry over low heat for 5 minutes.

Garlic and potential

Another miraculous natural aphrodisiac is garlic. To increase potency with this product, it also needs to be formulated according to a special formula.

First of all, you need to mince a kilogram of garlic, put it in a three-liter jar, pour boiling water in and let it infuse for a month. At the same time, the vial needs to be shaken daily so that the alcohol does not accumulate. A month later, we took the pill every day, one teaspoon before a meal. We accept until the contents of the jar ends. In addition to increasing potency, there is also a rejuvenating effect, which is achieved by improving blood circulation.

Nuts for potential

Nuts are an excellent product to increase potency due to the large amount of useful substances contained in them. Mature men should pay special attention to unsalted pistachios. Eating pistachios daily helps strengthen the body's ability to prevent tumors.

To enhance the effect, people use a simple remedy: 100 grams of macadamia nuts mixed with a teaspoon of honey. The resulting mixture should be taken within a month, one tablespoon an hour before bedtime.

Honey and male power

Honey is a product that includes a large number of healing properties. Its action is greatly enhanced when combined with other useful products. Among modern men, the following recipe is very popular.

We mix finely chopped onions with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting mixture should be taken daily in the morning and evening for a month. In addition, honey is useful for prostatitis. To treat prostatitis, grind onion seeds into a powder and mix with honey in the same ratio. The resulting mixture should be taken in a teaspoon, 3 times a day.

Dairy products and potency

Among dairy products, there are also useful products to increase potency: cottage cheese products, sour cream, ice cream, cottage cheese and yogurt. It is worth noting that all natural dairy products have a positive effect on potency. Good effects can only be achieved with natural, unpasteurized milk. Also note that yogurt does not affect potency in any way.

The product negatively affects male potency

First of all, it's alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, beer, alcoholic cocktails have a negative effect on male power.

Dried mint, mint gum, fast food, mayonnaise, french fries also negatively affect potency.

Pepsi, Coca-Cola, coffee, cocoa, increase energy in a short time, and at the same time put a heavy load on the body's cardiovascular system, if used regularly these products can lead to serious diseases.

In addition, lifestyle and chronic diseases of the genitourinary system can negatively affect a man's potency. To prevent male strength problems, a man must maintain a proper diet, stick to a healthy daily routine and get enough sleep. These simple tips will save you from erection problems.